Post-Comp Release!

At long last, almost half a year after ParserComp closed, the time was finally right for me to sit down and review all the feedback that has been sent in (see also: RttS reviews on IFDB) – thanks to everyone who took the time! This release (3/211226, published just at the tail end of Christmas) fixes a number of bugs and omissions that were raised.

The update incorporates one change that “breaks” walkthroughs, relating to the shooting mechanic. Some texts have been changed, so the game now acknowledges some of the unanswered questions, rather than brushing them aside altogether.

Full (spoilery) changelog
  • fix the alarm not sounding in time when the armor’s air is depleting
  • ensure information on the right hand of the status bar is properly right-justified
  • require explicitly loading the gun before being able to shoot it
  • Fix description when the player gets shot at and the shot misses
  • Fix not being able to refer to the floor
  • Recognize an attempt to put the bedsheets on the security camera in the cell
  • Fix the helmet being called “the your helmet” by the game.
  • Fix paragraph spacing of the installation room’s description
  • Allow referring to the ocean in the antecourt
  • Fix attempts of entering the water without wearing the armor not being denied reliably
  • Allow splashing water on yourself as an action
  • Enable pausing the game while jumping in the water for the first time
  • Change room description of briefing room
  • Implement ‘say sorry’
  • Change room description of the mess hall
  • Fix typo when sitting on couch
  • Fix spacing in the washroom’s description
  • Allow referring to the washroom’s floor.
  • Fix typo in the hangar’s description
  • Change the name of the landing pad to be more consistent
  • Explicitly acknowledge inserting the data crypt into the ship
  • Fix looking out of the ship
  • Change wording in the ending.
  • Change out the menu system to one that’s a bit more convenient to navigate

As usual with Inform/Glulx, saved games cannot be transferred between builds.

In other news, the I7 source code for the game is now available on GitHub, if you feel like digging around in it!

Finally, I hope you had (or are still having) a merry Christmas, and I wish you all a happy new year!

Files Play in browser
Dec 26, 2021
Plain Story File 1.1 MB
Dec 26, 2021
Windows Bundle 1.5 MB
Dec 26, 2021

Get Return to the Stars

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